
Don’t Let the Pain of Sciatica Linger

· · Pain
It may begin like a small niggling ache in your buttock. You think perhaps you bumped it and it’s just a little bruise. Then, a shooting pain extends down the back of your leg and into your toes, causing a pinpricking numbness. Sitting is painful. Walking is worse. You limp, … Read More

From the Editor: Alternative Approaches to Pain Relief

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As we age, we often hear from parts of our bodies that have run on ‘automatic pilot’ forever—a knee hurts, our back aches, we wake up stiff and sore. Many of us immediately reach for the painkillers—but some of these medications have a greater risk of harmful side effects in … Read More

Newsbriefs: Opioids; Hip Fractures; Vitamin C

· · Pain
Opioids Less Effective Than Expected. While the U.S. is undergoing an opioid epidemic, new findings show that the millions of people who take opioids for back pain may not experience pain relief, and suffer side effects in addition. In a study of 2,030 people with low back pain, almost half … Read More

Brain-Safe Ways to Ease Chronic Pain

· · Pain
Pain results from a complex interaction of biological, sensory, emotional, and cognitive factors unique to each individual, and finding successful treatments is equally complex. Pain medications, usually the first choice for easing physical discomfort, are often only mildly helpful, if at all, and they tend to wear off over time. … Read More

Finding Help for Fibromyalgia

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In the world of medicine, fibromyalgia is a relatively new disease; the first controlled study that validated the symptoms of fibromyalgia was published in 1981, and the American Pain Society issued the first treatment guidelines for fibromyalgia in 2005. “Fibromyalgia is a generalized soft tissue pain syndrome characterized by widespread … Read More

Migraine, Cardiovascular Disease Linked in Women

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Women who experience migraines, take note: Migraines were found to be associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cardiovascular events, such as stroke and heart attack, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the American Headache Society in July 2014. These findings are based on … Read More

OTC Pain Relievers: Use With Caution

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Most of us don’t think twice about swallowing a couple of over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers for back pain, muscle aches, or a headache. But, in recent years, research has revealed that these OTC products are not as benign as we once thought, and that long-term and/or excessive use actually may … Read More

Migraine Risk after a Stressful Event

· · Pain
If you suffer from migraines following periods of stress, new research can explain why those serious headaches seem to kick in while you’re coming down from that stressful time, rather than during the thick of it. A study published in the journal Neurology finds that people are at a higher … Read More

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