
Editor’s Note: Mind Your Backs!

· · Pain
We’re looking at back pain in this month’s issue, since it’s something that affects nearly two-thirds of Americans, and can make simple activities of daily living a real challenge. When you suffer from back pain, you may tend to focus on the symptoms and reach for painkillers. Some people take … Read More

Beat Back Pain With Treatments That Work

· · Pain
Recent research (The Lancet, March 21) suggests that many people with back pain are getting risky treatments that may not work, including potentially addictive opioid painkillers and surgery. The same study points to a combination of physical and psychological therapies as helpful when it comes to easing discomfort and improving … Read More

Beware of This Deadly Combination

· · Pain
The number of first-time prescriptions for opioid drugs has not risen since about 2010. But according to new UCLA research, patients taking a class of drug known to increase the risk for overdoses were likelier to receive a first-time opioid prescription — a combination that could be linked to the … Read More

Fighting With a Spouse May Make Chronic Pain Worse

· · Pain
An argument with a spouse or partner can cause hurt feelings. But those angry words may have a physical impact, too. Contrary to the old “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” saying, it turns out verbal sparring may make the pain associated with … Read More

Understanding Peripheral Neuropathy

· · Pain
Imagine being so sensitive to touch that even a thin sheet covering you at night is excruciating, or feeling prickly sensations on the bottom of your feet with each step you take, making walking difficult and painful. These are just two of the many symptoms caused by peripheral neuropathy, a … Read More

Physical Therapy Beats Opioids to Treat Pain After Hip Surgery

· · Pain
A Duke research team found that patients who received physical therapy treatment, rather than opioids, immediately following arthroscopic hip surgery had lower subsequent health-care costs and less opioid use. Daniel Rhon, PT, DPT, DSc, Chad Cook, PT, PhD, and their colleagues at Duke compared downstream health care utilization—the need for further … Read More

Relieve Pain From a Pinched Nerve

· · Pain
If you experience a sharp, burning pain on one side of your neck or upper back or in your lower back and leg, it may be caused by a pinched nerve. A pinched nerve can also produce numbness, tingling, burning, pain that radiates into an arm or leg, or a … Read More

Protect Yourself from Peripheral Artery Disease

· · Pain
About 8.5 million Americans have peripheral artery disease (PAD), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and up to 20 percent of them are age 60 and older. The fact seniors are living longer likely underpins these numbers, says Jeffrey W. Olin, DO, professor of medicine (cardiology) and … Read More

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