
MGH Study Discovers Brain Inflammation-Fibromyalgia Connection

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Fibromyalgia is a perplexing condition. It causes severe aches and pains, and can affect sleep, mood and memory. There is no simple diagnostic test and no cure. And treatments that help control symptoms in one person may not work for another with the same condition. But researchers at Massachusetts General … Read More

Options for Treating Degenerative Disc Disease

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Your intervertebral discs—the small, donut-shaped structures located between each of the vertebrae in your spine—are less than two inches in diameter, but they are essential to your mobility. Healthy discs provide cushioning between your vertebrae and allow your spine to move and bend. The discs also keep enough space open … Read More

Editor’s Note: Lower Back Pain: A Common Complaint

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Lower back pain is among the most common reasons that patients see their doctors. There are many possible causes, from arthritis, spinal stenosis, and disc disease to the far more common muscular sprains and strains. But it can be difficult to know if the pain is due to a minor … Read More

Steroid Drugs Ease Inflammation, but Use Them With Caution

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The first steroid medication, cortisone, earned the reputation of a “miracle drug” more than 60 years ago when it was found to be effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis. Since then, the number of steroid medications has grown, along with the number of diseases and disorders that are treated with them. … Read More

Stretch Away That Pain in the Neck

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Neck pain is a common complaint among older adults. It often is related to underlying arthritis, or osteoporosis, which can result in vertebral fractures that cause chronic pain. It also may occur due to strain or spasm of the neck muscles. These muscles are on constant duty supporting the head. … Read More

An Unexpected Alternative for Pain Relief

· · Pain
Starting in the late 1990s, opioid painkillers became a mainstay in health care. These drugs effectively treated pain, and the pharmaceutical companies that developed them assured doctors that they were safe to prescribe to patients. Patients trusted their physicians and, while many completed their course of treatment with no complications, … Read More

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