
Relieve Pain From a Pinched Nerve

· · Pain
If you experience a sharp, burning pain on one side of your neck or upper back or in your lower back and leg, it may be caused by a pinched nerve. A pinched nerve can also produce numbness, tingling, burning, pain that radiates into an arm or leg, or a … Read More

Physical Therapy Beats Injections for Knee Arthritis

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The competition between immediate gratification and long-term satisfaction is as old as time, with quick results not surprisingly often triumphing over later—but lengthier—rewards. Cortisone injections versus physical therapy (PT) for knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a perfect example of this contest. Both PT and injections of glucocorticoids confer clinical benefits to … Read More

The Best Strategy to Beat Sciatica

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Sciatica is a common affliction, affecting up to 40% of the population. Given how prevalent it is, you may be familiar with the warning signs of an attack: a dull ache or searing pain that starts in the lower back and runs down one or both legs. For some, floor … Read More

From the Editor: Get a Handle on Chronic Pain

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Chronic pain is a major concern for many people. This month in Focus on Healthy Aging, we’re looking at one of the most common types of chronic pain to affect older adults: joint pain due to arthritis. But it isn’t just arthritis that can cause chronic pain—other culprits include muscle … Read More

Managing Migraine Differently

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For the millions of migraine sufferers who can’t get relief from currently available medications, a new kind of drug may offer hope. Two recent studies showed that ubrogepant (Ubrelvy; Allergan), an oral calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonist, was significantly more effective than placebo at reducing migraine pain. Freedom From … Read More

6. Be Active, Feel Better

· · Pain
Exercise improves our mood, boosts brain power, lowers cholesterol, and keeps our hearts pumping healthily. Being active can reduce stress, fight diseases, and increase our lifespan. Regular physical activity even can decrease (and possibly prevent) chronic pain. Not bad for something we can do anytime, anywhere. The Department of Health … Read More

5. Gaining Control

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When it comes to managing your chronic pain, take a close look at your lifestyle. Diet, weight, and inflammation (three modifiable factors) are to blame for much of our chronic discomfort. Certain foods (sugar, processed meat, fried foods, and refined carbs) increase inflammation. Being overweight can have the same effect … Read More

4. Alternative and Natural Treatments

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Often, traditional pain treatments like medications or surgery are ineffective. Some don’t touch the pain while others cause frustrating side effects. Fortunately, many alternative therapies offer viable options for treating your chronic pain. That’s why over half of Americans over 50 turn to these non-mainstream practices for help. As for … Read More

3. Common Medical Treatments

· · Pain
Since pain is subjective and varies between individuals, it can be tough to pinpoint a perfect treatment. It’s realistic to expect some trial and error as there’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution to pain management. In this chapter, we’ll discuss common treatments. Heat Heating pads and cold packs are the most traditional … Read More

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