Mobility & Fitness


· · Mobility & Fitness
Beautiful things happen when we eat well and move our bodies. The complex interactions between the foods that we eat, how those foods fuel our bodies and muscles, and how food and movement can have independent and synergistic effects on our health, is profound. Nutrition and physical activity go hand … Read More

Avoid Exercise Injuries

A well-qualified, certified Pilates instructor will ensure you are doing the exercises correctly and safely. The instructor should have at least 300 hours of training, be fully certified in mat and on all the machines, and have at least a few years’ teaching experience. Most Pilates certifications require knowledge of anatomy. … Read More

Avoid Injury When You Exercise

· · Mobility & Fitness
About 27 percent of adults age 65 and older don’t exercise, according to a recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The study (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Sept. 15, 2016) revealed that the numbers are even worse for people age 75 and older: thirty-five percent … Read More

Exercise and Your Brain: Should You Sweat It?

· · Mobility & Fitness
While observational studies have shown an association between physical activity and lower rates of mental decline, findings from randomized clinical trials have been mixed. And now the largest and longest such trial has reported surprisingly disappointing results: The Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders (LIFE) study, a 24-month trial involving … Read More

Activity Benefits Go Beyond Weight Loss

· · Mobility & Fitness
If you’re looking for motivation to get up off the couch, the results of a large new European study may be just what you need to lace up those walking shoes. Even a moderate amount of exercise—the equivalent of a daily brisk 20-minute walk—was associated with significant reductions in mortality … Read More

How Much Exercise Is Enough?

· · Mobility & Fitness
Nobody questions the health benefits of even just a little exercise, but you may wonder about what might be called the “Goldilocks” question: How much physical activity is “just right”? And is it possible to get too much or to overdo the intensity? Two large new studies, both published in … Read More

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