Mobility & Fitness

2. Fit for Life

Conditioning your heart and making muscles stronger improve the health of your physical body, but physical activity also enhances overall health including mental and emotional well-being. Time on a treadmill or in a swimming pool reduces stress and boosts joy. Strength gained from resistance training can help you feel like … Read More

Aerobic Exercise Is Good for the Body and Mind

· · Mobility & Fitness
Aerobic exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health. It positively affects every system in your body, from blood pressure to blood sugar, stress, sleep, cholesterol, weight, bone health, fighting disease, and more. But if you’re visualizing choreographed dancing to music, that’s just one way … Read More

Move More—See Your Doctor Less

You’ve heard it a million times—exercise more. But that direction is rather worthless unless you know how much, how often, what kind of exercises to do and why. The latest Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, a science-based guide released in 2018 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services … Read More

Resistance Bands Offer a Versatile Exercise Option

· · Mobility & Fitness
Resistance bands are one of the most versatile exercise tools you can purchase, offering many options for strengthening your muscles and improving your flexibility. Made from natural or synthetic rubber, resistance bands are available as simple strips, loops (which resemble large rubber bands), or molded rubber tubes with handles. Like … Read More

Live Longer and Healthier by Walking More

· · Mobility & Fitness
A recent study adds to the existing evidence that brisk walking benefits your health. The study (Circulation, Nov. 6, 2017) measured physical activity levels in 16,741 women, average age 72. The kind of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity derived through brisk walking was associated with a 60 to 70 percent lower … Read More

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