Mobility & Fitness

Don’t Skip Your Annual Exam

My patients often ask me if it’s worth coming in for a yearly physical exam. Many of them see specialists, such as cardiologists, pulmonary doctors, rheumatologists, or dermatologists, and most see a gynecologist, too. And now, many doctors are providing patient care remotely with telemedicine. So why do you need … Read More

Go Outside and Play

If the idea of going to a gym or other indoor fitness center is less than appealing, consider the outdoors as your gym and activities from cycling to kite-flying as exercise options. Doing so just might spur you into action and catapult you into a whole new world and body. … Read More


· · Mobility & Fitness
Physical activity is integral to good health. High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is more time-efficient than traditional workouts, and research has shown it has many health benefits, including improving fitness, cardiovascular health, and insulin function, and helping with weight loss. What is HIIT? HIIT involves performing short, vigorous bursts of … Read More

What, Exactly, is BMI?

· · Mobility & Fitness
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body weight adjusted for height. It is considered a better indicator of excess weight than body weight alone and is used to categorize individuals as “underweight,” “normal weight,” “overweight,” or “obese.” What does it really tell us, and how accurate is it? … Read More

Telemedicine Is a Powerful Tool

The restrictions on face-to-face contact due to the coronavirus have prompted many changes in the way we deliver health care.Telemedicine—the practice of evaluating and treating patients remotely, most often via computer—has allowed physicians to provide services to their patients who would go without care otherwise. Telemedicine is not new—it’s been … Read More

Keep Your Shoulders and Upper Back Limber

Repetitive bending, moving, and lifting can create wear and tear on the shoulders and upper back. But with proper movement and exercise, you may be able to maintain strength and suppleness in your upper-body muscles throughout your life. “Your shoulder joint is a group of four muscles collectively known as … Read More

Exercise Is Essential for Heart Health

· · Mobility & Fitness
Regular physical activity is a cornerstone of good health; it can build muscle, strengthen bones, help maintain a healthy weight, decrease fall and injury risks, and improve flexibility and balance. But what activities are the most helpful for your heart? “Aerobic exercise is the most beneficial for the cardiovascular system; it … Read More

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