Mobility & Fitness

No Time for Exercise?

You don’t need a lot of space or a lot of money to create a home gym. But you do need a game plan that incorporates recommended components, including stretching, strengthening, balance, and flexibility. Good form is vital in each of those categories, but especially when working out with weights … Read More

Reduce Stress/Strain on Neck Muscles

In today’s world, our eyes are often facing down at a screen, and when our head is pointed down, our neck follows. This “postural decline,” which has worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic, can affect everything from disk alignment to headaches and circulation. With proper exercise and posture, you can help … Read More

Being Fit Is More Important Than Being Fat

They say good things come to those who sweat, and it’s no surprise that yet another report has emerged supporting that assertion. A recent study of patients with metabolic associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) showed that both aerobic and resistance exercise training, even without significant weight loss, produced a 20% … Read More

Are You at Increased Risk of Stroke?

· · Mobility & Fitness
You need to know if your stroke risk is high for two main reasons. First, you can take preventive measures by making choices that will lower your risk. Second, it will increase your vigilance to watch for common stroke symptoms and to get to the hospital right away if you … Read More

Stay Active to Maintain Flexibility

Flexibility is the range of motion through which a joint moves. We sometimes lose flexibility as we age. Keeping moderately active not only may stem flexibility loss but also can improve it. Exercises can keep your joints mobile and strong, which also helps with balance and flexibility. “Adequate flexibility is … Read More

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