
Managing Key Risk Factors May Protect Your Memory

· · Memory
Modifying a range of specific risk factors could delay or prevent 40 percent of dementia cases, according to a recent expert report. The report, published in The Lancet, Aug. 8, 2020, updates 2017 advice from the Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention, and Care. The commission originally identified nine modifiable … Read More

The Latest on Libations and Memory

· · Memory
For many people, the holidays may not be quite as festive this year, given COVID-19’s implications for social interaction. But that doesn’t mean that there won’t still be toasts wishing each other good health and hoping for a less stressful 2021. Understanding the risks and benefits of alcohol intake are … Read More

What’s Your Ideal Brain Care Score?

· · Memory
When you think of heart health, you may think of the preventive measures your doctor recommends, such as managing your blood pressure and cholesterol, which lower your risk of a heart attack. Similarly, avoiding cigarettes is well-established advice to prevent lung disease, and colonoscopies are standard means to help avert … Read More

Boost Your Brain with the MIND Diet

· · Memory
It has been known for decades, perhaps even centuries, that certain nutrients help keep the mind sharp and healthy. But over time, researchers have continued to pinpoint and learn more specifically how certain nutrients work within the brain. And with more knowledge came the creation of the MIND diet, developed … Read More

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