Digestive Health

Get Relief From Constipation

· · Digestive Health
Bowel movements may not be a common topic of polite conversation, but most people suffer from constipation from time to time. Constipation, which is usually defined as having fewer than three bowel movements in a week, is a problem that is often linked to diet and hydration issues, but sometimes, … Read More

A Simple Way to Reduce GERD

· · Digestive Health
In times of stress we are often told to take a big deep breath. Why? As it turns out, it has a lot to do with a nerve that quite literally connects your mind to your gut. It’s the vagus nerve, also called the 10th cranial nerve, and it’s the … Read More

Diverticulitis Is a Problem for Many Older Adults

· · Digestive Health
About half of all Americans age 60 to 80 have diverticulosis, a condition in which diverticula—pouches the size of large peas—bulge outward from the colon. Those numbers increase in the oldest old, with almost everybody age 80 and older affected. Most people are unaware of the problem because diverticulosis typically … Read More

Ease the Discomfort of Hemorrhoids

· · Digestive Health
Research suggests that up to 39 percent of Americans are found to have hemorrhoids (swollen blood vessels in the anal area) during routine screening colonoscopy, and that hemorrhoids result in more than 4 million doctor’s office and emergency room visits each year. Mount Sinai gastroenterologist Brijen Shah, MD, says that … Read More

Foods That Trigger Heartburn and GERD

· · Digestive Health
If you’re among the estimated 44 percent of Americans who suffer from heartburn at least once a month, you might want to consider some dietary and lifestyle changes. That’s especially true for the 20 percent who experience a severe form called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Some research has shown that long-term … Read More

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