
Overtreatment of Diabetes in Seniors Persists

· · Diabetes
Two studies published online Oct. 26 2015, in JAMA Internal Medicine, suggest there is still confusion when it comes to treating seniors for diabetes, with doctors often not cutting back on medications even when treatment goals are surpassed. The first study included more than 211,000 diabetics age 70 and older. … Read More

Find the Diabetes Drugs Best Suited for You

· · Diabetes
The days in which the only treatment for type 2 diabetes was insulin injections are long past. Now, new classes of FDA-approved drugs and new drug combinations allow physicians to individualize treatment based on the specific needs of the 29 million Americans who have the condition, half of whom are … Read More

Type 1 Diabetes Much More Harmful to Women Than Men

· · Diabetes
Women with type 1 diabetes have a much greater risk of dying from numerous health conditions than men with the same disease, according to a study analysis conducted by Australian researchers. The researchers analyzed data from 26 studies that included more than 200,000 participants. They found that women with type … Read More

Newsbriefs: Type 2 Diabetes; Vitamin D; Flavonoids

· · Diabetes
Chocolate May Fight Type 2 Diabetes Recent findings suggest chocolate may play a role in insulin resistance. In a study that included 18,235 men over the age of 66 years, researchers compared men who ate no chocolate to those who ate 1-3 (1-ounce) servings per month, 1 serving per week, … Read More

Newsbriefs: Diabetes; Spice; Inflammation

· · Diabetes
Diabetes With Advanced Complications Can Lead to Dementia People with diabetes who suffer from advanced diabetic complications, such as blindness, kidney failure, and decreased blood flow in limbs (that can lead to amputation), are at greater risk of dementia as they age, according to a new, 12-year study published in … Read More

New Drug Protects the Heart from Diabetes Damage

· · Diabetes
If you have type 2 diabetes (T2D), you are highly vulnerable to death from heart attack or stroke. Lowering this risk can be challenging if you have any additional risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or obesity. These will keep your risk elevated, even … Read More

Editor’s Letter: Prevent Widespread Damage from Diabetes

· · Diabetes
By Orli R. Etingin, MD, Editor-in-Chief Diabetes is a silent disease. There’s usually no pain until it’s advanced, and in its early stages, it can be easily confused with other conditions. But diabetes has many long-term consequences, especially for women whose blood vessels are smaller than those of men. Diabetes … Read More

Women with Diabetes Have Higher Heart Risks Than Men

· · Diabetes
Diabetes is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), but new research suggests that the risks may be much greater for women than for men. Two separate studies, both presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in September 2015, highlight the need for women with diabetes … Read More

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