
Newsbriefs: Alzheimer’s Severity; “Attitude of Gratitude”; Vitamins C & E & Parkinson’s; Trees & Depression Risk

· · Depression
Study: About Half of Alzheimer’s Cases Are Mild; One-Fifth Are Severe Despite the ongoing research around the world seeking methods of better preventing and treating Alzheimer’s disease (AD), there is much the scientific community doesn’t know about the current population of individuals with AD. A study recently published in the … Read More

If Antidepressants Aren’t Working, Consider Other Options

· · Depression
If you’ve been diagnosed with major depressive disorder, chances are you’ve been given one of the newer antidepressant medications, such as Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Cymbalta, or Effexor. You may also see a counselor or psychologist for therapy. But what do you do when these treatments don’t work and you’re feeling … Read More

Recognize the Earliest Signs of Depression

· · Depression
Could you tell if you or a loved one were sinking into depression? Not just a bout of the blues, but a more serious condition known as clinical depression or a major depressive order? “Signs and symptoms of depression often develop gradually,” says David Mischoulon, MD, PHD, director of the … Read More

COVID-19 Pandemic Triggers Depression Outbreak, Too

· · Depression
Nearly one in four Americans have experienced depression symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s about three times the number prior to the start of the pandemic and the social distancing, economic crisis, and other challenges that followed. While any kind of major crisis tends to result in a rise in … Read More

From the Editor: Coping with Loss

· · Depression
If you have ever thought about how the end of life might happen for you and your loved ones, it is likely you will have hoped for what we term a “good death.” These are defined as deaths for which you and your family have time to prepare; peaceful deaths … Read More

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