
You Could Have Depression But Be Unaware of It

· · Depression
Do you feel like you’re missing the energy, motivation, and concentration you once had? Maybe you’ve stopped doing activities that you used to enjoy and you’re spending more time alone. Or, perhaps you’ve gained weight, have trouble sleeping, or often have an upset stomach. What all of these have in … Read More

Are Your Meds Making You Depressed?

· · Depression
A recent study (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 12) suggests that more than one-third of U.S. adults may be using prescription medications that have the potential to cause depression. The data also underline a trend of increasing polypharmacy (the simultaneous use of more than one drug) involving these … Read More

Medications on Your Mind

· · Depression
Before 1942, many Americans died from the simplest infections. Then something miraculous happened: Penicillin came into use and dramatically changed the health-care landscape. Since then, the development of medications has exploded, ushering in incredible advances in quality of life and survival. Depression Is a Common Side Effect. But there is … Read More

Take Steps at Home to Improve Your Mood

· · Depression
A major depressive disorder often requires a combination of psychotherapy and medication to control symptoms. But lifestyle changes can complement a more structured treatment plan. And living a healthier, more fulfilling life also may help lift your spirits if you’re just feeling a little low. Amy Farabaugh, PhD, director of … Read More

Is It Sadness or Depression?

· · Depression
Everybody has days when they’re feeling low. Sometimes you can easily identify the cause of your sadness—the loss of a loved one, a problem with personal finances or some other specific reason for tears or sorrow. But there are other days when our sadness has no obvious trigger. And as … Read More

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