
Treatment for Depression Can Help You Get Your Life Back

· · Depression
Almost twice as many women as men suffer from depression, and about one in five women develop depression at some point in their lifetimes. However, many women never report their symptoms to their doctors or have a mental health evaluation. “Because periods of sadness, or having ‘the blues,’ are common, … Read More

From the Editor: Defeating Loneliness

Loneliness—highlighted in one of this month’s News Briefs—affects about a third of older adults. While occasional loneliness is normal, chronic loneliness has been associated with poor physical and mental health. Lonely people report feeling more stress than non-lonely people, even when they are relaxing. Loneliness also is a major precipitant … Read More

Deep Brain Stimulation May Help Treat Severe Depression

· · Depression
Treatment-resistant depression may have a new foe: deep brain stimulation (DBS). In a recent study, researchers found that stimulating a part of the brain called the orbitofrontal cortex may lead to significant improvements in mood for people with moderate-to-severe depression. These individuals don’t always experience symptom relief with traditional therapies, … Read More

Diet and Depression

· · Depression
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting more than 300 million adults and children. While to date there is no specific diet proven to prevent or cure this condition, research indicates that decreasing depression risk may be yet another reason to … Read More

Mind & Memory Newsbriefs

· · Depression
Mirtazapine Does Not Boost SSRI Effectiveness When patients have residual symptoms of depression after at least six weeks of treatment with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) or serotonin-noradenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), many physicians add mirtazapine. A study published in November in the British Medical Journal found that this combination … Read More

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