Bones & Joints

Newsbriefs: Lower Risk of AD; Diabetes Risk; Adult Acne; Heart Disease Risk; Arthritis Risk; Lower Blood Pressure

· · Bones & Joints
A Healthy Lifestyle May Lower Risk of AD Living a healthy lifestyle—consisting of not smoking, being moderately to vigorously physically active, drinking only light amounts of alcohol, following the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet, and keeping your brain active in later years—directly lowers Alzheimer’s disease risk, according to … Read More

Considering Knee Replacement? Timing Matters

· · Bones & Joints
The timing of knee replacement surgery is an important factor in optimizing its benefits. But according to a recent study, many people who would potentially benefit from knee replacement are waiting too long to have the procedure, while others may be having it too soon. The study (Journal of Bone … Read More

Three Steps to Sciatica Prevention

· · Bones & Joints
They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and given the prevalence and pain associated with sciatica, prevention may be worth its weight in gold. It’s not always possible to prevent sciatica, and the condition may recur, but these steps can help protect your back and … Read More

Hip Replacement: Surgical Approach Matters

· · Bones & Joints
Hip replacement surgery has changed the lives of millions of Americans with osteoarthritis: a disease characterized by the wearing away of protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones in a joint. As cartilage degeneration progresses, movement becomes painful and joints also swell and stiffen. Replacing diseased joints with … Read More

Do You Need a Bone Density Test?

· · Bones & Joints
After menopause, many women start to experience increasing bone loss that can cause osteoporosis: fragile bones that are more likely to break if you fall. There are things you can do to maintain your bone density, but it’s also important for people who are at risk for osteoporosis to find … Read More

Expedited Surgery for Hip Fractures

· · Bones & Joints
  Fracturing a hip is one of the most dreaded injuries for older people. Even with optimal care, there is a high risk of complications and even death after hip-fracture surgery. But could a tweak as simple as operating sooner make a difference? According to the results of a trial … Read More

Maintaining Bone Health

· · Bones & Joints
Our bones support us, literally, in everything we do. They protect our vital organs, store important minerals the body relies upon, and keep us moving. From childhood through early adulthood, our bones are busy taking up nutrients that help them grow, strengthen, and build density. By age 30, bone density … Read More

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