Aging & Independence

Alcohol and A-fib

The interplay of alcohol and heart health is complicated. Light drinking appears to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease and cardiovascular events, but cross over into excessive consumption and you may put your health at risk. Now, a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows … Read More

Stay Active With a Mobility Aid

· · Aging & Independence
Nearly 10 million older adults are estimated to use mobility aids, such as canes, walkers and wheelchairs, to help them get around. “Some people may use a mobility aid only temporarily, while recovering after surgery or injury,” says Mount Sinai social worker Sheila Bar¬ton, LCSW. “Others need extra support to … Read More

Staying in the Driver’s Seat

  As time ticks along there are changes experienced by just about everyone that can impact driving ability. There are the nearly universal declines in reflexes, vision, and hearing, but feeling uneasy about returning to the road after recovering from an illness, injury, or surgery are also realities faced by … Read More

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