Stress & Anxiety

symptoms of a nervous breakdown

Symptoms of a Nervous Breakdown

· · Stress & Anxiety
Many of us have heard stories of the 1950s housewife who had a nervous breakdown and had to spend time in a medical facility. But "nervous breakdown" is not a medical diagnosis. That’s right: There is no official or medical definition for the phrase "nervous breakdown." So what was that … Read More
stressed man

30 Stress Symptoms You May Recognize

· · Stress & Anxiety
Look up the symptoms of stress and you’ll find well more than 50 that are typically cited in medical annals. That’s because stress affects every aspect of your bodily functioning, and everyone experiences and expresses stress differently. Here are some of the most common stress symptoms: Frequent headaches Increased compulsive … Read More
how to relieve stress

How to Relieve Stress

· · Stress & Anxiety
Every life has stress. The key is to manage it before it takes over. A healthful diet and regular exercise routine are integral to stress management. Most people also do better with a regular routine of eating, sleeping, and exercise. Other techniques for managing stress include learning to say "no," … Read More
agoraphobia and crowded airport

Panic Disorder Symptoms: What They Could Mean

We typically hear about stress causing such conditions as a nervous breakdown or anxiety attack. But panic disorder symptoms can reflect a number of related conditions. Here are three to consider. What Is Agoraphobia? Agoraphobia is the fear of being exposed to any situation that produces significant anxiety or panic. … Read More
social anxiety disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder: SAD Basics

· · Stress & Anxiety
People with social anxiety disorder (SAD)—also called social phobia—have an intense fear of social situations, especially if they believe they’ll be judged or scrutinized by others. So, while going to a party may produce what feels like anxiety, a party in which the person is the guest of honor might … Read More

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