
Savor the Sweet Potato

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The Folklore. Sweet potato or yam? Most likely, it’s a sweet potato. The most common varieties of sweet potato in the U.S. have smooth orange or red skin, orange flesh, and a sweet flavor. Yams, which are rare in American grocery stores, have rough brown skin, starchy white flesh, and … Read More
Two men walking in park.

Exercises For Mobility

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Regardless of your age or physical condition, you can improve your balance and increase your mobility. First, determine your strengths and weaknesses. A doctor, physical therapist, or other health care professional can help. Next, find a set of easy balance exercises that fits your needs. The following are three exercises … Read More
vestibular migraine diet

Vestibular Migraine Diet

If you’ve ever suffered from headaches, you’re well aware how disruptive they can be. When they strike, they might inconvenience an hour, wipe out an entire day, or in cases of migraine, especially vestibular migraine, they can negatively impact quality of life. More than 17 percent of women and nearly … Read More

Can a POTS Diet Relieve Symptoms?

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, is a frustrating condition that can disrupt and negatively impact the quality of daily life. The normal, everyday movement of simply standing up triggers rapid heart rate, dizziness, or a drop in blood pressure that usually resolve upon laying down. Although the cause isn’t … Read More
beetroot powder for beet supplements

Should I Take a Beet Supplement?

Beet, or beetroot, supplements are gaining quite a following for a number of apparent health benefits, including increased energy, improved physical performance, and reductions in blood pressure. Because they’re made from beets, the colorful root vegetables rich in nutrients and powerful health-promoting plant compounds, beet supplements may be a desirable … Read More
spinal xray

Bone Spurs on the Spine

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The medical term for a bone spur is an osteophyte, which means bone growth. Bone spurs can occur at the edges of bones, especially where they come in contact with other bones called joints. They can form on the edges of joints in your hands or feet, you may be … Read More
artificial sweetener and cup of tea

What Are the Dangers of Erythritol?

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Erythritol is a natural sugar substitute made by fermenting corn, called a sugar alcohol. Other sugar alcohols are sorbitol and xylitol. Because they are all natural, the FDA does not consider them to be food additives. Other artificial sweeteners like aspartame and saccharine are made from chemicals in a laboratory. … Read More

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