
Illustration of prostate

Prostatitis Symptoms: What You Should Know

· · Heart Health
Prostatitis refers to one of a number of conditions in which the prostate becomes inflamed. Men of any age can be affected by prostatitis symptoms, but it is more common in men who are 50 or younger. The National Institute of Health (NIH) has divided prostatitis into four categories: acute … Read More
Illustration of prostate

Prostate Gland Cancer: Testing and Diagnosis

· · Heart Health
If your doctor has determined that you’re experiencing prostate cancer symptoms and that your otherwise normal PSA levels are elevated, he likely will order a biopsy of tissue from the prostate gland. Your doctor may elect to biopsy your prostate based on whether or not you have possible symptoms of … Read More
Woman suffering in bed with CPOD using a spirometer

COPD Rehabilitation: Dealing with a Serious Lung Disorder

· · Heart Health
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) rehabilitation is a series of education and structured exercises that allow people to make the most of the remaining capacity of their lungs. People with COPD who engage in a rehabilitation program have less shortness of breath, an increased ability to exercise, better quality of … Read More
illustration of the prostate organ

What Is Prostate Cancer?

· · Heart Health
The vast majority of prostate cancers originate in the glandular cells of the prostate and are called adenocarcinomas. Prostate cancer is second only to skin cancer as the most common cancer seen in men in the United States. While most men do not die from prostate cancer, it is the … Read More
Illustration of male symbol made from pills

Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Cures

· · Heart Health
Erectile dysfunction causes can be attributed to many diseases and medical conditions known to cause ED. The first step treatment is ensuring that you are appropriately treating any underlying medical disease causing your ED. For example, if you have diabetes, managing your blood glucose levels is not only critical for … Read More
copd oxygen therapy tank

COPD Oxygen Therapy

· · Heart Health
People with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may have very low levels of oxygen in their blood. This is called hypoxemia, and it may cause increased difficulty breathing and further impair your ability to exercise, requiring COPD oxygen therapy. Low COPD oxygen levels may also cause fatigue, memory loss, … Read More
Doctor and patient

Prostate Cancer Therapies: Surgical Options

· · Heart Health
Surgery for prostate cancer is a common treatment choice for men who are in good overall health and who have early stage prostate cancer. This would include men whose prostate cancer is localized to the prostate (stage T1 or T2 cancers) or to the prostate and seminal vesicles (stage T3 … Read More

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