
a jar of manuka honey

Do You Know About These Manuka Honey Uses?

· · Nutrition
Honey made from the manuka plant has enhanced antimicrobial and wound healing properties that make it excellent at treating cuts, scrapes, infections, and burns. Manuka honey has antibacterial effects and can kill or inhibit several strands of bacteria, even some antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Manuka honey has even been found to be safe to … Read More
A to do list of healthy habits

5 Healthy Habits of Healthy People

· · Nutrition
You have no debt. You’re highly organized. You eat healthy every single day. You exercise at least four times per week. You never binge on TV or social media. You sleep eight hours every night. Your life consists only of healthy habits, and you avoid any negative influences that could … Read More
health benefits of sunflower seeds

Are Sunflower Seeds Good for You?

· · Nutrition
Nuts and seeds are great additions to salads, yogurts, or on their own as a quick snack. But are sunflower seeds healthy? These tasty seeds are quite good for you – they are a good source of nutrients like vitamin E and they have protective effects in your body. Just be sure … Read More
baskets of blueberries and raspberries that contain health benefits

The Health Benefits of Raspberries and Blueberries

· · Nutrition
Don’t you love a juicy fruit platter, a refreshing berry smoothie, or adding fresh berries to yogurt or cereal? Berries are not only a naturally sweet treat, but they are loaded with nutrients. Polyphenols, such as flavonoids and anthocyanins, and other potent antioxidants account for the vast health benefits of … Read More
woman with clay mask

3 Possible Bentonite Clay Benefits

· · Nutrition
Clay has been used for more than 6,000 years as a detoxifying, antimicrobial medicine that helps people with skin problems such as poor blood circulation, rashes, and lesions. Those aren’t the only bentonite clay benefits. Learning how to use clay properly will allow you to clean and strengthen skin, neutralize … Read More
omega 9 benefits and sources

Omega-9 Benefits: Are You Getting Enough?

· · Nutrition
When it comes to choosing healthy fats, confusion abounds. More than likely, you’ve heard of those miracle fatty acids, omega-3s. These essential fats reduce inflammation in the body and can help lower the risk of chronic degenerative conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and even certain types of cancer. Along … Read More
A bunch of bananas that contain potassium

Potassium Deficiency May Affect Your Muscles & Your Heart

· · Nutrition
Some of the most direct and severe potassium deficiency symptoms are painful muscle cramps and spasms, muscle weakness, and heartbeat irregularities. These increases or decreases in heart rate can be especially damaging in cases where other heart problems also exist, and the muscle cramps can be debilitating when they occur during strenuous … Read More

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