
butter vs margarine

Butter vs. Margarine: Which Is Healthier?

· · Nutrition
Toast without butter is like macaroni without cheese—sad and incomplete. Same goes for popcorn, especially at the movie theater. For years, though, we’ve been told to cut butter from our diets. Those delectable, creamy French dishes a la Julia Child are frowned upon by nutrition experts and cardiologists. Now we’re … Read More
is milk healthy?

Is Milk Healthy?

· · Nutrition
Is milk healthy? It sounds like a simple question, but the answer is anything but simple. Milk is actually a controversial topic due to opinions that run the gamut from “milk is the best thing you can drink” to “milk is one of the worst drinks on the planet.” First, … Read More
healthy bread

Healthy Bread: Is There Such a Thing?

· · Nutrition
Freshly baked bread is pretty irresistible. The tantalizing smell, warm center, and crunchy crust can satisfy even the most serious of hunger pangs. Lately, though, the paleo patrol and gluten police have turned bread into a four-letter word. They talk about bread’s bad qualities (carbohydrates, calories, sugar, and salt, for … Read More
zero-calorie foods

Zero-Calorie Foods? Nice Thought, But…

· · Nutrition
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could sit down to a hot fudge sundae with zero calories? Or chow down on guilty pleasures like cookies, chips, and bread without adding any calories? The concept of “zero-calorie foods” is a fantasy, although there are certainly low-calorie foods that can help you … Read More
is sushi healthy?

Is Sushi Healthy?

· · Nutrition
Since the 1970s, America’s love affair with sushi has grown. With its simple combination of vinegar-flavored rice, fish, and vegetables, sushi has gone from being a trendy dish mainly found on the West Coast to a regular part of American cuisine. You’ll find it everywhere, from fancy restaurants to simple … Read More

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