
healthy eating

Healthy Eating Helps You Stay Sharp as You Age

· · Nutrition
Reduced blood flow to the brain, loss of gray matter, and buildup of sticky tangles and plaques of certain proteins can all lead to loss of cognitive ability. A large body of strong evidence supports the idea that physical activity and healthy eating can help keep your brain sharp by … Read More
avocado benefits

Avocado Benefits: A Delicious and Nutritious Goldmine

· · Nutrition
Are you still being fooled by avocado’s bad rap as a high-fat food? It’s time to let go of old assumptions and embrace the fact that rich, creamy avocado benefits your health in a dizzying array of ways. Move over apples! Avocado benefits include improving your cholesterol, lowering your risk … Read More
is hummus healthy

Is Hummus Healthy?

· · Nutrition
If you’re a fan of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean cuisine, you’re probably already familiar with the creamy deliciousness that is hummus. And even if you aren’t familiar with those cuisines, you’ve probably seen it served at parties or in restaurants and were somewhat curious about how it tastes and what … Read More
alkaline diet

Should You Try the Alkaline Diet?

· · Nutrition
If you're looking for just the right diet plan for your health, you might consider the alkaline diet. It's based on the theory that some popular foods—including meat, dairy products, eggs, grains, and processed foods—cause your body to produce more acid. The aim of the alkaline diet is to avoid foods … Read More
low-carb bread

Low-Carb Breads That Won’t Sabotage Your Diet

· · Nutrition
With the rise in popularity among low-carb diets, many people have been reducing the amount of carbohydrates in their meals. When done correctly and healthfully under the guidance of a health professional, following a low-carb diet can offer many health benefits, particularly for those with diabetes. However, it can be … Read More
are eggs healthy?

Are Eggs Healthy?

· · Nutrition
Whether they were scrambled, fried, boiled, poached, or beat into an omelet, chances are that you had eggs for breakfast this morning. They’re an easy, filling, and affordable way to start the day. And even if you don’t like their taste, eggs often are the main ingredient in some of … Read More

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