postmenopausal osteoporosis
UHN Staff
Culture allows men to have midlife crises where they buy a new motorcycle or sports car, but for women, the term “midlife crisis” brings visions of hot flashes, weight gain, dry skin, low sex drive and irritability. Aside from theses unpleasantries, women in their 50’s also have an increased risk … Read More
Jim Brown, PhD
Medications can be effective for treating pain, but they're not the only method. In fact, some people shouldn’t use painkillers at all. Others simply don’t need them because there are other ways to treat pain. Options for relieving pain without taking medications begin with conservative approaches such as losing weight, … Read More
Kathleen Jade, ND
Most people think of strontium as a radioactive, toxic metal associated with nuclear fallout. It’s too bad they don’t also know about stable strontium, considering the important recent breakthroughs on strontium for natural osteoporosis treatment. While synthetic, radioactive, toxic isotopes of strontium do exist, stable (nonradioactive) strontium, element number 38 … Read More