Deviated septum

Clear It Up! Post-Nasal Drip Relief Remedies

Post-nasal drip is the accumulation of mucus, usually in your sinuses, that moves down the back of the nose into the throat. It can be an annoying and disruptive condition, but one that's treatable by post-nasal drip remedies, both pharmaceutical and natural. Your body makes about one to two quarts … Read More

Nose Bleeds: Why They Happen and How to Stop Them

Most nose bleeds occur on the front of the nasal septum—the tissue that separates the two sides of the nose. Other types happen higher on the septum or deeper in the nose, which makes them harder to control. However, they are rarely, if ever, life-threatening. What Causes Nose Bleeds? They … Read More

Sniff Out the Cause of Your Sinusitis

It’s cold season, and your nasal passages and sinuses feel like they’ve been clogged with cement. You have the runny nose, congestion, and pain of sinusitis, and it seems like it’s been eons since you could breathe freely. With the help of simple remedies, sinusitis usually relents within a week … Read More

Deviated Septum: How to Manage Symptoms

A deviated septum is a condition you may have had from birth, or it can result from a broken nose or similar injury. Regardless of its origin, a deviated septum can affect your breathing and lead to chronic congestion and sinus infections. Treatments for deviated septum symptoms can be as … Read More

Should You Have Sleep Apnea Surgery?

Can sleep apnea be cured? Yes, and an operation—sleep apnea surgery—may your best bet to overcome this serious sleep disorder. The type of procedure will depend on the specific physical characteristics of your mouth, throat or sinuses. No matter what treatment is decided upon, addressing the problem is essential. Sleep … Read More

Deviated Septum: Symptoms and Treatments

The nasal septum is the bone and cartilage that divide the nasal cavity of the nose in half. Sometimes it can deviate to one side, which narrows or blocks the nostril and can make breathing difficult. In most cases, deviated septum symptoms and the condition itself pose no serious medical … Read More

Sinusitis Symptoms and Sinusitis: How to Find Relief

Sinusitis, also known as sinus infection, is an inflammation of the sinus tissue. When experiencing sinusitis symptoms, your sinuses become blocked with fluid, bacteria, viruses, and fungi can grow and lead to an infection. There are several types of sinusitis. The main differences are the severity and length of flare-ups. The Centers … Read More

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