acupuncture treatment

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Chronic pain without the hope for relief is a reality for too many people. Sadly, the shocking truth is 46 percent of the people suffering from chronic pain never obtain adequate pain relief from conventional medicine therapies such as pharmaceutical pain pills or injection therapy.[1] So where do you turn? … Read More

Acupuncture: High Blood Pressure Treatment?

High blood pressure is a growing concern; it is highly prevalent and also highly dangerous. Having even moderately high blood pressure raises your risk for heart disease substantially. But high blood pressure medications come with their risks, too. So why not opt for natural solutions for managing your blood pressure … Read More

Acupuncture For Insomnia Treatment

  The first time I tried acupuncture, I was nervous. I wasn’t afraid of needles, per se, but the idea of someone poking them into my skin still made me highly uncomfortable. But to my pleasant surprise, I found acupuncture to be nothing like I thought it would be. The … Read More

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