
5. Sleep Apnea

· · Sleep
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is by far the more common type of sleep apnea. In OSA, breathing is interrupted when the upper airway is blocked by the collapse of excess soft tissue in the back of the mouth during sleep (see Box 5-1, “The Anatomy of Obstructive Sleep Apnea”). The … Read More

4. Insomnia

· · Sleep
"To sleep, perchance to dream,” was the desire of Prince Hamlet in Shakespeare’s drama. It’s also the desire of thousands of insomnia suffers, who can’t get a normal night’s sleep for a variety of reasons. The National Sleep Foundation identifies two primary categories of insomnia: Short-term (acute) insomnia lasts a … Read More

3. Common Sleep Disorders

· · Sleep
Sleep disorders can be caused by internal factors, such as medical problems, or by external factors, such as stressful situations. Some sleep disorders affect your ability to get to sleep and stay asleep, while others disrupt the structure of your sleep. The most common sleep disorders by far are insomnia … Read More

2. Why You Don’t Sleep Like You Used To

· · Sleep
Most experts agree that adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night to maintain their health. Unfortunately, many older adults have problems falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting quality sleep. Sleep becomes more fragmented as we age, and we’re more easily roused—two factors that often prevent us from … Read More

1. What Is Sleep, And Why Do We Need It?

· · Sleep
When we’re asleep, our conscious mind is closed to the outside world. Sounds, smells, and physical sensations have limited access to our central nervous system. In the lightest stages of sleep, those aspects of the real world can intrude and awaken us briefly, but in deep sleep we’re not easily … Read More

From the Editor

· · Sleep
We welcome you to our special report on sleep disorders. This 2018 edition provides an updated review of common sleep disturbances and new insights into how to improve sleep in order to achieve better health. Based on the latest publications in the field of sleep medicine, it also covers topics … Read More

Tips to Fall Asleep Naturally

· · Sleep
Sleep has many important health benefits: It cleanses the brain, allows memories to consolidate, helps the immune system to function optimally, and restores and rejuvenates tissues. Not enough sleep impairs judgment and physical function. And let’s face it, when tired, most of us can be rather irritable and grouchy. Serious … Read More

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