
Insomnia and the Glycemic Index

· · Sleep
If you’re struggling to sleep, it could be time to change your diet. Researchers at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons reported in December 2019 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that there’s a link between high-glycemic foods and the risk of developing insomnia. The Glycemic Index. … Read More

CPAP Mask Comparison

· · Sleep
For many people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the first sign that something is wrong is unrelenting daytime sleepiness. That’s because OSA causes the airway to narrow or collapse until the person wakes up to take a breath—five to 30 or more times every hour. Once these exhausted patients are … Read More

News Briefs: Personality Traits; Bad Dreams; Parkinson’s Disease Tremors

· · Sleep
Personality Traits Affect Spending Habits in Retirement In a study of more than 3,600 people older than age 50 (average age 70), researchers identified certain personality traits associated with spending patterns. Participants were scored on what psychologists call “the big five” personality traits, which include openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, … Read More


· · Sleep
For general information about sleep and sleep disorders, contact the following organizations: American Sleep Apnea Association 888-293-3650 641 S St. NW, 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20001-5196 Better Sleep Council (A trade association of the mattress industry) Hypersomnia Foundation 678-842-3512 4514 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd., #229 Atlanta, … Read More


· · Sleep
ablation: Destruction of body tissue, such as excess throat tissue, that is causing obstructive sleep apnea, usually with heat, cold, or sound waves. acute pain: Pain resulting from a single incident, such as surgery, a sprain, or an accident. Acute pain may interfere with sleep while the pain is felt. … Read More

8. Strategies for Restful, Healthy Sleep

· · Sleep
"Sleep hygiene” is what sleep specialists call the pattern of good habits that promote healthy sleep. A solid sleep hygiene routine means a consistent sleep schedule. Be sure to keep regular hours, even on weekends and vacations. Go to bed at the same time every night and awaken at the … Read More

7. Sleep Stealers

· · Sleep
Events in our everyday lives can disrupt our sleep. Common “sleep thieves” include traveling across time zones, environmental factors, chronic pain, illnesses, and medications. Even retirement can rob of us of restful sleep. For people who lose sleep due to these factors a few simple steps can restore restful sleep. … Read More

6. Other Common Sleep Disorders

· · Sleep
Insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea are by far the most prevalent sleep disorders, but they’re certainly not the only ones. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recognizes 78 sleep disorders. The list includes snoring, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy, sleepwalking, nocturnal eating disorder, and REM sleep behavior disorder, among others. Sleep disorders … Read More

5. Sleep Apnea

· · Sleep
The term “sleep apnea” refers to a narrowing or blockage of your airway while you sleep. There are two types of sleep apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is by far the most common, affecting as many as 18 million men and women in the United States. In OSA, breathing is … Read More

4. Insomnia

· · Sleep
At any given time, 25 to 30 percent of U.S. residents say they are experiencing insomnia, defined as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep on at least three nights a week for at least two consecutive weeks up to three months. The good news is that 75 percent recover and … Read More

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