
Sleep Apnea Can Harm Your Head and Your Heart

· · Sleep
In recent years, research has shown that a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is linked with a number of serious health problems. “What we are seeing is that OSA is a condition that affects the function of the entire body. It exposes the body to higher levels of … Read More

Better Sleep Means Better Health

· · Sleep
Sleep is crucial to our health. Lack of sleep is a contributor to mood disorders, depression, heart disease, and obesity, to name a few. Incomplete sleep is also a reason for memory disturbances and attention disorders. As a clinician, I usually start with simple sleep hygiene for my sleep deprived … Read More

Your Brain on Sleep

· · Sleep
All creatures great and small, human and animal, appear so peaceful during sleep. The face is relaxed, and perhaps there’s a murmur or two, or a cute little snort. For the most part, sleep, from the outside, appears to be a process of serene stillness. But inside the brain, there’s … Read More

Why You Need to Sleep Better and How to Do It

· · Sleep
When you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you feel tired during the day—but that’s not the only possible side effect. Studies have linked chronic poor sleep to a greater risk of cardiovascular problems, stroke, diabetes, and obesity. “Your body doesn’t switch off while you sleep,” says Mount Sinai geriatrician … Read More

Newsbriefs: Short Sleep & Fear-Related Memories; Evidence Suggesting Air Pollution Raises Neurological Risks; Study: Age Not a Barrier for People Who Want to Lose Weight

· · Sleep
Short Sleep Robs People’s Ability to Unlearn Fear-Related Memories Sleep is critical for consolidating memories and maintaining healthy brain function, while sleep interruption or insufficient sleep can interfere with attention, learning, and memory. In a study published recently in the journal Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, researchers found that … Read More

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