
Are Opiates Safe for Older Adults?

· · Pain
As the percentage of older individuals in the U.S. population grows dramatically in the coming decades, the problem of how to address the chronic pain that is so common in this age group looms as a significant challenge. Opioid medications represent one possible response in the battle against pain in … Read More

Newsbriefs: Migraines; Heart Failure; Psychotherapy

· · Pain
Migraines May Result from Abnormal Blood Vessels. Researchers have identified 38 genetic variants linked to migraine headaches, of which 28 are newly identified. Researchers found most of the genetic variants overlapped with genes linked to vascular disease, or were known to regulate the vascular system, which reinforces the theory that … Read More

Managing Opioid Treatment for Pain

· · Pain
Research shows that 50 percent of older adults who live independently and 75-85 percent of seniors in care facilities experience chronic pain. Opioid Treatment. Treatment with opioids can reduce chronic pain. But, with opioid treatment over the long term comes the possibility of addiction or accidental overdose. In 2013, 55 … Read More

Is Chronic Pain an Emotional Disease?

· · Pain
Scientists have long tried to understand what causes an individual’s response to injury or disease to evolve from acute pain, which is an immediate response to a hurt, to chronic pain that continues for months or years after apparent recovery. Several recent studies suggest that chronic pain may come to … Read More

3 Foot Conditions That Can Break Your Stride

· · Pain
Ailments that affect your feet can sideline you from everyday activities, such as exercising, grocery shopping, and even walking. Since physical activity is linked with a host of benefits, from a healthy heart and brain to a lower risk of diabetes and cancer, it’s important to keep an eye on … Read More

Newsbriefs: Back Pain; New Cast; Foot Orthoses

· · Pain
Back Pain Intensified by Psychological, Sedentary Issues. Pain from a back injury is often compounded by psychological issues, such as work dissatisfaction, family stress, depression, and secondary pain, according to findings by Australian researchers published online April 26, 2016 in the Medical Journal of Australia. The problem arises in part … Read More

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