
From The Editor

· · Pain
Dear Reader, If you suffer from low back pain, you’re in good company: It affects four out of five adults at some time in their lives. It can range from a mild, dull ache through to an excruciating pain that’s both distressing and disabling. The good news is that research … Read More

Newsbriefs: Pain Management

· · Pain
Gum Disease May Play a Role in Rheumatoid Arthritis An oral bacterium linked to gum disease may also initiate rheumatoid arthritis-related autoimmunity, reported researchers at the 2018 Annual European Congress of Rheumatology in June. Porphyromonas gingivalis is the only human pathogen associated with the generation of citrullinated proteins, the researchers … Read More

Hope for Migraine Sufferers

· · Pain
Migraine sufferers have long struggled with less-than-optimal options to treat their debilitating pain. Most available treatments were developed for other conditions, like hypertension, and often offer only limited relief. Side effects are significant, causing many people to avoid taking the drugs altogether. But there’s a new kid on the pharmaceutical … Read More

Preventing or Relieving a Stiff Neck

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Whether you have been sitting hunched over a cell phone or laptop, sleeping in the wrong position, or carrying a heavy load, there are plenty of ways to strain your neck and upper back muscles and end up with a stiff neck. But, there are ways to improve your neck … Read More

Type of Headache Determines the Best Treatment

· · Pain
Most people experience an occasional headache that is relieved by an over-the-counter pain medication. However, if you have headaches that frequently affect your ability to function, don’t assume that there’s no solution. Work with your physician or a specialist to identify what type of headaches you have so you can … Read More

Frontline: Non-Invasive Treatment for MS; Hip Fracture Medicateions; More Warnings for Class of Antibiotic Drugs

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Non-Invasive Treatment May Help Multiple Sclerosis Patients Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (dTMS) has shown promise in the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other mental health disorders, and a study has found that this non-invasive treatment also may be effective in alleviating multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms. Treatment with dTMS involves … Read More

Exercise Can Help Ease the Discomfort of Fibromyalgia

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Fibromyalgia affects up to 10 million Americans, according to the National Fibromyalgia Association. Widespread pain is a characteristic of the condition, along with tender points that hurt if pressure is applied, fatigue, and headaches. Fibromyalgia also is associated with depression, poor sleep, problems with thinking and memory, and digestive conditions … Read More

Self-Help Strategies Can Ease the Discomfort and Hemorrhoids

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The word “hemorrhoid” is actually a medical term for cushions of tissue that surround blood vessels in the anal area. But what most of us would call a hemorrhoid occurs when this tissue prolapses through the sphincter muscle, exposing the delicate skin lining the rectum. Unfortunately you become more vulnerable … Read More

Beware of Insect-Borne Infections

· · Pain
Illnesses spread by biting insects—particularly mosquitoes and ticks—have tripled in the United States in the last decade, according to a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly, May 4). In the study period (2004 to 2016), there were more than 640,000 cases of insect-borne … Read More

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