
Don’t Neglect Your Dental Health

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If you have sore or bleeding gums, frequent tooth pain, or other dental problems, there may be more at stake than the health of your mouth. “Research has shown that there is an association between oral inflammation and systemic inflammation. Examples of diseases linked to systemic inflammation are heart disease, … Read More

Drug-Free Strategies to Ease Your Aching Head

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While you may have heard that older adults are less likely than their younger counterparts to suffer from headaches, the problem does continue past age 65. Usually they don’t signal anything serious—however, if they worsen you should tell your doctor. “It’s also important to alert your doctor about new-onset headaches, … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Glucosamine

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If you are one of the 242 million people who suffers from osteoarthritis, you likely know about glucosamine. Commonly paired with chondroitin, many praise its ability to ease hip and knee pain while some experts disagree on its efficacy. EN examines the data on this popular dietary supplement. Overview. Glucosamine, … Read More

Is Sciatica Stopping You in Your Tracks?

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About one in four American seniors suffer from sciatica, and while symptoms are intermittent for many, some develop constant pain that disrupts their sleep and reduces their mobility and quality of life. Recent research also suggests that people with other medical conditions may be more likely to develop sciatica, although … Read More

Newsbriefs: Cannabis & Pain Relief; Genetic Changes in the Eye; Low Health Literacy Increases Hospitalizations

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UCLA Researcher Studies Cannabis Chemicals for Pain Relief Ziva Cooper, PhD, research director of the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative, has been awarded a $3.9 million grant from the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health to study whether cannabis chemicals called terpenes can reduce the amount of opioid medication a person … Read More

Yoga Reduces Migraine Frequency and Intensity

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A migraine is an intense pulsing or throbbing pain in one area of the head that can last up to three days and be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Given these symptoms, it’s not surprising that migraine headaches can affect every aspect of a person’s … Read More

Traditional Chinese Medicine Focuses on Balance and Energy

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Most people are familiar with acupuncture, but there’s far more to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) than the needles. “TCM is an ancient medical system that looks at human physiology in a way that predates our current knowledge of human physiology and medicine,” explains Victoria Chan Harrison, MD, assistant professor of … Read More

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