
Headaches: The Type Dictates the Treatment

· · Pain
Most people experience an occasional headache that is relieved by an over-the-counter pain medication. However, if you have headaches that frequently affect your ability to function, don’t assume that there’s no solution. Work with your physician or a specialist to identify what type of headaches you have so you can … Read More

Talk to Your Doctor About Joint Pain

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Joint pain is a common symptom at every age, but if you’re over 50 when it starts, there’s a high probability that it’s caused by arthritis. However, before you assume you have arthritis, start with an evaluation by your primary care physician. Once you report joint pain, your doctor can … Read More

Diagnosing and Treating Degenerative Disc Disease

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The small, donut-shaped structures called intervertebral discs are located between each of the vertebrae in your spine. These discs are less than 2 inches in diameter, but they are essential to your mobility. Healthy discs provide cushioning between your vertebrae; they act as “shock absorbers” and allow your spine to … Read More

Don’t Neglect Your Dental Health

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If you have sore or bleeding gums, frequent tooth pain, or other dental problems, there may be more at stake than the health of your mouth. “Research has shown that there is an association between oral inflammation and systemic inflammation. Examples of diseases linked to systemic inflammation are heart disease, … Read More

Drug-Free Strategies to Ease Your Aching Head

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While you may have heard that older adults are less likely than their younger counterparts to suffer from headaches, the problem does continue past age 65. Usually they don’t signal anything serious—however, if they worsen you should tell your doctor. “It’s also important to alert your doctor about new-onset headaches, … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Glucosamine

· · Pain
If you are one of the 242 million people who suffers from osteoarthritis, you likely know about glucosamine. Commonly paired with chondroitin, many praise its ability to ease hip and knee pain while some experts disagree on its efficacy. EN examines the data on this popular dietary supplement. Overview. Glucosamine, … Read More

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