
Vasculitis Can Affect Any Blood Vessel In Your Body

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Vasculitis is an umbrella term for a group of several diseases that can produce a wide range of symptoms, depending on the area of the body that is affected. “Vasculitis simply means inflammation of blood vessels. Any blood vessel in the body, from large arteries to tiny capillaries, can be … Read More

What You Can Do About Inflammation

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Chronic inflammation is the basis of autoimmune and rheumatologic diseases, among many others. Chronic inflammation can cause damage to organs and blood vessels, and it’s believed to play a role in a number of serious medical conditions, including cancer and heart disease. Of course, if you’ve been diagnosed with an … Read More

Joint Pain and You

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If you currently suffer from joint pain— or hope to prevent it—don’t be tempted by ads and fads. Beyond taking any medications recommended by your healthcare provider, there are steps you can take to ease pain and protect joints. What Works. To protect your joints, be careful at work and … Read More

Ease Arthritis with Healthy Meals

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When looking to ward off arthritis pain, consider what’s on your plate. Sugary, fatty, and processed foods can contribute to inflammation in the body, which may fuel some types of arthritis. “Theoretically, cutting back on those pro-inflammatory foods might ease inflammation and arthritis symptoms, although we don’t have conclusive evidence. … Read More

Headaches: The Type Dictates the Treatment

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Most people experience an occasional headache that is relieved by an over-the-counter pain medication. However, if you have headaches that frequently affect your ability to function, don’t assume that there’s no solution. Work with your physician or a specialist to identify what type of headaches you have so you can … Read More

Talk to Your Doctor About Joint Pain

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Joint pain is a common symptom at every age, but if you’re over 50 when it starts, there’s a high probability that it’s caused by arthritis. However, before you assume you have arthritis, start with an evaluation by your primary care physician. Once you report joint pain, your doctor can … Read More

Diagnosing and Treating Degenerative Disc Disease

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The small, donut-shaped structures called intervertebral discs are located between each of the vertebrae in your spine. These discs are less than 2 inches in diameter, but they are essential to your mobility. Healthy discs provide cushioning between your vertebrae; they act as “shock absorbers” and allow your spine to … Read More

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