Mobility & Fitness

Cross-Train to Add Variety to Your Exercise Routine

· · Mobility & Fitness
If you are tired of doing the same exercises every day, cross-training is a good way to add variety to your exercise program. “The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association physical activity recommendations highlight the importance of following an exercise program that includes endurance exercises, strength … Read More

Newsbites: Time-restricted eating; back pain; improving diet quality

Time-Restricted Eating Did Not Benefit Weight or Health in Trial In a relatively small randomized, crossover, controlled trial, time-restricted eating (also known as intermittent fasting) did not lead to improvements in weight or other selected health parameters compared to participants’ regular eating patterns. For four weeks, the 12 women and … Read More

Protect Yourself from Sports Injuries

· · Mobility & Fitness
Recent research has highlighted an increase in sports injuries among people ages 65 and older. Mount Sinai geriatrician Patricia Bloom, MD, says the data reflect an increase in activity among older adults due to their growing awareness of how important exercise is for maintaining cardiovascular, muscle, and bone health as … Read More

Newsbites: Cognitive decline; intermittent fasting and weight loss; physical activity and depression.

Eating Fruits and Vegetables May Lower Risk for Cognitive Decline Research has suggested an association between eating fruits and vegetables and better brain health. A recent study attempted to narrow down which fruits and vegetables, if any, are most closely associated with maintaining cognitive health. Scientists analyzed the results of … Read More

Best Foods for Bone Health

· · Mobility & Fitness
A 2015 USDA review of America’s eating patterns revealed that those who eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy, lean proteins, and whole grains have better bone health. Maintaining strong and healthy bones is a cornerstone of healthy aging, and it requires a combination of proper nutrition, adequate … Read More

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