Mobility & Fitness

Newsbriefs: Reduce inflammation; Prediabetes; Weight loss and exercise; Vegan diet boost metabolism; Colorectal cancer; Omega 3s

Reduce Inflammation with More Plant Foods High consumption of animal products (meat, fish, and dairy) leads to higher incidences of inflammation, according to a study published in Thyroid (November 2020). Conversely, a diet higher in plant-based foods and lower in animal products can reduce inflammation. Of 200 people (173 women, … Read More

Strengthen Your Knees with Exercise

Your knees take a lot of pressure every day, but with proper care, they can last your lifetime. It’s even possible to strengthen your knees with exercise. “What you’re really doing is strengthening the musculature that surrounds the knee joint,” explains Timothy Filzen, a physical therapist and sports resident at … Read More

Newsbites: Benefits of half an hour of activity; FDA warning on specific supplements; Proof that “you are what you eat”

· · Mobility & Fitness
Even half an hour of activity may help counteract dangers of sedentary lifestyle An analysis of data from multiple observational studies suggests 30 minutes of exercise a day may help you live longer, even if you’re otherwise sedentary. In the study, published recently in the British Journal of Medicine, researchers … Read More

Keep Up the Cardio for Good Heart Health

Being sedentary or inactive plays as much of a role in reducing life expectancy as smoking, drinking, and being obese. Conversely, numerous research studies show that the higher a person’s level of physical fitness, the less likely he or she is to die prematurely from cardiovascular disease. As a result, … Read More

Keep Your Feet Fit to Stay Mobile and Active

· · Mobility & Fitness
Ailments that affect your feet can sideline you from everyday activities, such as grocery shopping, exercising, and even walking. Since physical activity is linked with a host of benefits, from a healthy heart to a lower risk of diabetes and cancer, it’s important to keep an eye on your feet … Read More

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