
1. Understanding the Brain

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When you consider all that the human brain does, it seems miraculous that it weighs only about 3 pounds. But those are an amazingly hard-working 3 pounds, carrying on thousands of chemical reactions every second. As a result, although on average the brain makes up only 2 percent of a … Read More

5. Brain Boosts from Supplements

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Life would certainly be simpler if we could believe the advertisements and label claims of America’s booming supplement industry. By simply popping a pill—or a handful of pills—you could make up for any nutritional shortfalls in your diet. And if this or that vitamin or other nutrient might benefit your … Read More

6. Can You Trust Brain Supplements?

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Could a protein “originally found in jellyfish” help protect your memory? Of course, jellyfish don’t have brains, so it’s hard to see how their proteins could boost yours. That little problem hasn’t prevented a “brain health” supplement containing the “jellyfish protein” (technically, a protein called apoaequorin)—which costs $24 to $68 … Read More

7. Healthy Habits for Your Brain

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Eating right is a smart start for protecting your aging brain—but it’s only a start. The next step is to get up off the couch and get moving. The evidence that physical activity contributes to cognitive health is even stronger than the associations between nutrition and cognition. That’s why the … Read More

What You Should Know About Anticholinergic Drugs and Dementia

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A study in JAMA Internal Medicine grabbed headlines earlier this year by suggesting a link between anticholinergic drugs and higher dementia risk. British researchers examined the health records of nearly 59,000 people with dementia as well as more than 225,000 people without the condition, and found that individuals who took … Read More

Memory Maximizers: Recall Moments; Mediate

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Recall Moments and Passions More Clearly by Putting Yourself in the Picture If you think about subjects you took in school or a place you once lived, and your immediate memories are “I was never very good in science” or “There was nothing to do in that town,” you may … Read More

Protect Your Memory as You Age

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Fears about declining brain health loom large for many older adults, according to survey results from the National Poll on Healthy Aging. However, despite their concerns, just 5 percent of poll respondents (and only 10 percent of those with a family history of dementia) had talked with a healthcare provider … Read More

A Little Exercise May Provide a Temporary Brain Boost

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You’ve probably heard countless times how exercise benefits memory, attention and thinking skills. But if just the thought of endless workouts is enough to wear you out, consider recent research that examined the brain benefits of a single exercise session. In a small study published in the journal Medicine & … Read More

Dementia Stages and Strategies

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If you have been told you have Alzheimer’s disease (AD), or are caring for somebody newly diagnosed with AD, you will likely be very worried about the future. But try to keep in mind that AD affects people in different ways, and disease progression also is very individual. “You won’t … Read More

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