Energy & Fatigue

Q&A: Thyroid Disease; Melanoma; Fats

· · Energy & Fatigue
Q. I’ve been experiencing a lot of fatigue and weight gain recently, and a friend suggested I might be having thyroid problems. Can you give me any information about the thyroid and what it does? A. The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, just below the … Read More

Is Your Low Energy a Serious Problem? Take This Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Test to Find Out

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a mystery disease capable of transforming healthy individuals into exhausted shadows of their former selves, with low energy, muddled thinking, and chronic joint and muscle pain, among other symptoms. For many years, researchers have looked into possible causes for this complex condition—including psychological problems, viruses, … Read More

Are You Tired All the Time?

· · Energy & Fatigue
If you are frequently exhausted during the day, you may suspect a sleep disorder. And while it’s a good place to start, there may be some other reasons for your daytime tiredness. “Fatigue and sleepiness are two different things,” explains clinical psychologist Jennifer Martin, PhD, David Geffen School of Medicine … Read More

Looking for an Energy Boost?

· · Energy & Fatigue
There’s no shortage of drinks, foods, and supplements promising a quick burst of energy. Problem is most will give you a jolt and follow with an energy crash. While an occasional extra cup of coffee may not be harmful, if you’re constantly reaching for an energy boost, it’s time to … Read More

4 Ways to Boost Your Energy

Are the demands of everyday activities draining you of your get-up-and-go? Take heart—a number of recent studies point the way to simple measures that can help counter a lack of energy and eliminate many of its underlying causes. “Don’t assume that your loss of vigor is an unavoidable aspect of … Read More

Fainting: Cause for Alarm

· · Energy & Fatigue
Fainting, also called syncope (SIN-ko-pee), is caused by a sudden, but temporary, drop in blood pressure—the brain does not get sufficient blood flow and you lose consciousness. Fainting can be caused by random and isolated events like low blood sugar from hunger, dehydration, or when you experience severe pain. These … Read More

Ask the Doctor: Safe Mold Removal

· · Energy & Fatigue
Q. My husband and I have discovered why we’ve been suffering from chronic fatigue, headaches, and sinus problems for more than a year—the house we moved into 18 months ago has mold behind the drywall. We’ve been advised to hire a professional to remove it, but can we safely do … Read More

Testosterone Replacement for Men and Women

· · Energy & Fatigue
Ads for testosterone replacement run rampant across television, print publications, the Internet and likely land in your email box, too. Promises include improved energy, muscle tone and libido. But before you rush off to your doctor and request testosterone therapy, you need to know your baseline testosterone level, whether you … Read More

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