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Perils of Ultraprocessed Foods

· · Cancer
Q: What are ultra-processed foods and why are they bad for health? A: Ultra-processed are industrial formulations created from substances extracted from foods or synthesized in laboratories, with minimal or no whole food ingredients. They often contain additives such as artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives to enhance taste and extend … Read More

Chewing Gum May Offer Surprising Health Benefits

· · Cancer
Chewing gum in one form or another has been around for thousands of years. For centuries, gum consisted of the latex, called chicle, of the sapodilla tree. After World War II, a variety of waxes, plastics, and synthetic rubber mostly replaced chicle in chewing gum. Today, chewing gum is made … Read More

Screening Is Central to Colorectal Cancer Prevention

· · Cancer
Many women mistakenly think of colon cancer as primarily a men’s health issue, which may explain why women often delay or skip screening altogether. However, colon cancer doesn’t discriminate—it’s the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths for both women and men. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … Read More

Weigh the Benefits and Risks of Prostate Cancer Treatment

· · Cancer
Monitoring, rather than curative treatment, is becoming a more widely used approach for managing men with low- or intermediate-risk prostate cancer. It is an effective management strategy, so be sure to discuss this option with your doctor if you are diagnosed with prostate cancer. It also is vital to have … Read More

Cardiac Imaging Scans After Cancer

· · Cancer
Q: I recently received a mailing that advertised affordable cardiac imaging at a location near my home. I’m interested, but as a cancer survivor who previously had radiation treatment, is it safe for me to undergo imaging tests? A: Imaging scans can be invaluable tools for accurately diagnosing health conditions … Read More
sunburn relief

Many People Unaware of Winter Sunburn Potential

· · Cancer
If you didn’t know you could get sunburned in winter, you’re not alone. According to a recent American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) report, about one in five adults don’t realize they can get sunburned during the winter months and so they don’t use sunscreen to protect themselves from harmful ultraviolet … Read More

Understanding Options for Colon Cancer Screenings

· · Cancer
Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and women. While younger adults can develop it, it’s much more common after age 50. Like any cancer, the earlier you detect it, the better. Thanks to recent advancements in screenings, the outlook for … Read More

Coping with Chemotherapy and Radiation

· · Cancer
Chemotherapy and radiation are used to treat many common cancers. Both options work by killing cancer cells—but they also may kill or harm healthy cells, and this can result in unpleasant side effects. You may be able to mitigate the worst of these by following the strategies included here. We’ll … Read More

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