Bones & Joints

Fortifying Your Muscles and Bones

· · Bones & Joints
Making smarter dietary choice becomes ever more important as we age because the body becomes less tolerant of junk food and less efficient at absorbing vital nutrients. Of course, we need regular exercise for bone and muscle health, but nutrition must accompany physical activity for the best outcomes. Whether you … Read More

Arthritis a Problem for Many Older Adults

· · Bones & Joints
Everybody gets joint pain from time to time, but if you are experiencing constant joint pain that impacts your mobility, function, and quality of life, it’s possible you may have arthritis— according to recent research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in five U.S. adults suffer … Read More


Q: What is the difference in osteopenia and osteoporosis? A: Both osteopenia and osteoporosis refer to conditions related to a person’s bone mineral density (BMD) and are classified based on degree of severity. Osteopenia is a loss of BMD that often precedes a diagnosis of osteoporosis. Osteopenia is not as … Read More

Finding Relief from Rotator Cuff Tears

· · Bones & Joints
The shoulder joint is a fascinating combination of muscle, tendon, and bone. It is the most mobile joint in the body, enabling us to swim laps, swing a tennis racket, and hug our loved ones. But all this remarkable mobility comes with a price: It is quite vulnerable to injuries, … Read More

Steroids for Pain

· · Bones & Joints
Q: I hurt my back while gardening and was prescribed steroids for the pain. I feel leery about taking steroid medications. Aren’t they dangerous? A: The word steroid can refer to different substances. Anabolic steroids are lab-made versions of testosterone that some people use illegally to increase their muscle mass and … Read More

Health Benefits of Supplemental Collagen

· · Bones & Joints
Collagen is a natural protein in the body and in animal-based foods, but it lacks the essential amino acid tryptophan, making it an incomplete protein. However, incorporating it into a balanced diet can be beneficial for joint health, bone and muscle mass, and heart health. Let’s explore its health benefits … Read More

Seek Out the Spice of Life

· · Bones & Joints
We know the importance of herbs and spices for enhancing flavors, but do you know how they can enhance your health as well? They have been used for centuries for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Herbs like basil, oregano, and cilantro are the leaves of the plant and spices like … Read More

Frontline: Phototherapy for Alzheimer’s Treatment; Timing of Exercise and Weight Loss; Knee Replacement Surgery

· · Bones & Joints
Phototherapy Demonstrates Promise for Alzheimer’s Treatment A new study has demonstrated promising results using photobiomodulation (PBM) for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). PBM is a type of low-level laser energy that is used to stimulate, heal, regenerate, and protect tissue that has been injured or is degenerating. In the study, researchers showed … Read More
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Preventing Osteoporosis

· · Bones & Joints
Q: I’m a 68-year-old female and I am worried about osteoporosis. How can I protect my bones? Should I take preventive medications? A: If you haven’t had a bone density test recently, it’s a good place to start. Testing is recommended for women starting at age 65. This test compares … Read More

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