Aging & Independence

The MIND Diet Contributes 
to a Healthier Brain

· · Aging & Independence
Looking for a diet that might help you preserve your brain function as you get older? You might consider the so-called MIND diet. “MIND” stands for “Mediterranean-DASH-diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay.” Scientists developed it by combining features from those healthy dietary patterns—the Mediterranean-style diet and DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to … Read More

Is Therapy Appropriate As Cognition Declines?

· · Aging & Independence
Cognitive decline is often accompanied by mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression, as well as powerful emotions that can be difficult for the person to understand and manage. Psychotherapy may be helpful for some people experiencing cognitive decline, and not a good fit for others, says psychiatrist Felipe Jain, … Read More

Play: It’s Not Just for Kids

Play is as essential to human life as breathing, sleeping, and eating. When scientists closely scrutinize the why of play, they find a myriad of logical reasons for its purpose. For example, play connects us with others and helps balance emotions. Games like chess foster strategic thinking, athletic games build … Read More

Ask the Doctor: November 2021

At what age does memory usually start to decline? It seems I’ve read that it happens anywhere from 35 to 55 or so. As you might imagine, every individual is on a unique timeline when it comes to things like memory decline and other age-related matters. Some research suggests that … Read More

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