Stress & Anxiety

stress reduction

Stress Reduction Is Blood Pressure Reduction

· · Stress & Anxiety
Could the simple act of resolving a relationship conflict with a close friend or relative actually lower your blood pressure numbers? Research is now saying it absolutely can. Not too many years ago, many doctors and even some medical associations were unconvinced that stress reduction techniques could effectively lower elevated blood … Read More
anxiety disorder

Is It Stress—or an Anxiety Disorder?

· · Stress & Anxiety
Sweaty palms, fast heartbeat, a pit in your stomach…. we’ve all been there. Feeling anxious is a normal response to the many stressful situations in life. But some people tend toward these physical reactions and catastrophic thinking more frequently than others, making negativity their go-to emotional reaction to any challenging … Read More
what is a nervous breakdown

What Is a Nervous Breakdown?

· · Stress & Anxiety
We’ve all heard and used the phrase “nervous breakdown,” but it’s not an actual medical term, so there is no clinical definition. So what is a nervous breakdown? Generally, the phrase refers to some type of mental health crisis that renders a person incapable of normal, effective functioning. The person … Read More

Diagnosing Generalized Anxiety Disorder

· · Stress & Anxiety
Feeling stressed and anxious all too often? You may have an underlying medical condition that’s producing anxiety or, more specifically, generalized anxiety disorder. The good news: It's treatable. Together, you and your physician can get to the bottom of what’s troubling you, sometimes with the help of diagnostic questionnaires and … Read More
anxiety test

Anxiety Test: Does It Help?

· · Stress & Anxiety
Anxiety can feel like different things to different people. Some simply feel ill, like they have the flu. Others may experience symptoms similar to an asthma attack or even a heart attack. Still others may be irritable or worry all the time. How can you tell what your anxiety symptoms … Read More

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