Mobility & Fitness

natural asthma remedies

Natural Asthma Remedies: Exercise Is Key

· · Lung Health
You might think that exercise is bad for asthma, but when done safely, it’s actually one of the more effective natural asthma remedies. Don’t let your symptoms hold you back from getting regular physical activity. Your asthma, as well as your overall health, will benefit tremendously if you exercise more. … Read More
how much exercise

How Much Exercise Do I Need? Even Experts Disagree

· · Lung Health
How much exercise do we need? The U.S. National Library of Medicine is clear about it: at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day—that's 210 minutes a week— and strength-training exercise twice a week. Aerobic exercise is continuous physical activity using large muscle groups for a sustained period (a minimum … Read More
senior citizen exercises

Senior Citizen Exercises: Sample Workout Plans

· · Lung Health
An estimated 80 percent of American adults do not get sufficient exercise, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. At any age, the motivation to keep up a program tends to come and go. For the senior citizen, exercises become especially important for not only to stay healthy, … Read More
senior exercise basics

Senior Exercise Basics: Getting Ready to Work Out

· · Lung Health
Regardless of any exercise activities in which you engage—whether they’re low-impact exercises for seniors (brisk walking, bicycling, light aerobics, swimming) or more strenuous (tennis, racquetball, running the treadmill)—you should begin with a dynamic warm-up. The most important of all senior exercise basics is to prepare, and it doesn't have to … Read More
Seniors in aerobic swimming class.

Senior Fitness: Choosing the Right Program

· · Lung Health
The key to senior fitness is to find an exercise program that works for you, one that takes into consideration your age, health status, physical condition, personality, fitness goals, and living circumstances. Finding choices shouldn’t be a problem. A wide variety of fitness programs can be done at home or … Read More

Core Exercises for Seniors

· · Lung Health
Within our body’s muscular system, we define the core as those muscles of the hips, pelvis, abdomen, and trunk. Beyond simply allowing or supporting certain movements, the core is necessary for flexibility, strength, and injury prevention. Flexibility is the ability to move joints through a range of motion. Weak or … Read More

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