Mobility & Fitness

Flex Tests: How Flexible Are You?

· · Mobility & Fitness
Before you begin a flexibility program, it is a good idea to gauge your current level of flexibility. This way you can target problem areas that may need extra attention, and help you measure your progress. Testing for flexibility can be complex or simple. Exercise scientists and physical therapists use … Read More
A group of fitness walkers participating in a walking event

Set Goals to Walk More

· · Mobility & Fitness
We all walk somewhere, even if just around the house. Since you’re reading this email, it’s probably safe to assume that you’re aiming to walk more. You need to change your routine. We all know of the New Year’s resolutions that never survive the month of January: Research reveals that … Read More
Woman getting ready to exchange in a core fitness program.

10 Tips For Starting a Core Strengthening Program

Before you begin an exercise program, you should be aware of guidelines that will make your workouts productive and safe. The suggestions that follow come from weight training experts, hospitals, universities, and organizations, including the American College of Sports Medicine. 1. Get the approval of your doctor before beginning an … Read More

No Gym, No Problem

· · Mobility & Fitness
Chances are your local fitness center is closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. If it’s not, you’re wise not to work out in a crowded gym populated by people breathing heavily, exhaling saliva droplets, and touching the same exercise equipment as you—essentially, the equivalent of pumping iron in a … Read More
Man stretching his legs

Why Should I Stretch?

· · Mobility & Fitness
Flexibility exercises like stretching and range-of-motion movements seems like the common-sense move, but many people, especially older adults, ignore their flexibility, or do exercises incorrectly, or at the wrong time, like before workouts, or do not perform them on a regular basis, so their flexibility never improves. However, strong evidence … Read More

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