without drugs

Impacted Bowel: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

An impacted bowel is one of the more unpleasant digestive issues you can experience. Bowel obstruction symptoms occur when a mass of dry, hard stool will not pass out of the colon or rectum. Bowel impaction can become a serious issue if not treated, and in extreme cases may even … Read More

Increasing Fiber Intake is a Highly Ignored Therapy to Lower LDL Naturally

In the world of ever-increasing numbers of sophisticated, expensive cholesterol-lowering treatments, there’s one highly effective, “old-school” therapy that tends to get ignored: fiber.  By now, it’s a well-established fact that you can cheaply and easily lower LDL naturally by increasing your fiber intake, either through foods or supplements. And yet, … Read More

Can Osteoporosis Be Reversed Without Drugs?

Many women and men diagnosed with osteoporosis are immediately prescribed prescription drugs which, they discover sooner or later, can have difficult-to-tolerate side effects as well as frightening long-term risks. Can osteoporosis be reversed? This realization leads many individuals with osteoporosis to ask, "Can osteoporosis be reversed without drugs?" Unfortunately, there … Read More

How to Naturally Gain Testosterone

The most accurate method of checking testosterone levels is to have your physician conduct a hormone blood test. If your levels are near the lower limit, or if multiple tests display a decreasing trend over time, you should consider taking measures that will allow your body to produce more of … Read More

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