health benefits of blueberries

7 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

When it comes to hypertension symptoms, a low blood pressure diet can be your medicine. Generally speaking, increasing the amount of plant-based foods (especially fruits and vegetables) in your diet is a must for anyone suffering from high blood pressure. Furthermore, research is showing that certain plant foods are especially … Read More

The Best Diet for Your Heart and Arteries: 4 Simple Strategies

Your heart is part of your cardiovascular system, which also includes all of the arteries that transport oxygenated blood from your heart throughout your body, and the veins that transport blood back to your heart. Many cardiovascular diseases and events—including coronary artery disease (CAD), peripheral artery disease (PAD), heart attack, … Read More

Health Benefits of Blueberries

The many health benefits of blueberries may surprise you: They have a positive effect on everything from your heart to your blood vessels to your brain. Let’s start with some blueberry basics: A one-cup serving of blueberries contains just 80 calories and 0.5 grams of fat while delivering almost 25 … Read More

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