glycemic load diet

Metabolic Syndrome Raises Your Risk of Heart Disease, Stroke

Your metabolism encompasses all the chemical processes through which cells produce energy and compounds (like hormones) needed to keep your body running. A cluster of metabolic risk factors raises your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. They may occur independently, but once you present with three, your doctor may … Read More

Managing Type 2 Diabetes

An astonishing 40 percent of U.S. adults will develop diabetes in their lifetime.[1] Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that results primarily from abdominal obesity, which leads to resistance to the hormone insulin. Poorly controlled type 2 diabetes is associated with a shockingly wide range of life-threatening complications, … Read More

PCOS Natural Treatment Options Include Inositol and NAC

Are you one of the up to 20% of reproductive-aged women currently suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)?[1] PCOS is one of the most common hormonal diseases. It is a multifaceted disease with a complex set of metabolic and hormonal abnormalities, including high testosterone, failure to ovulate, and insulin resistance.[2] … Read More

Top 5 Insulin Resistance Symptoms

An enormous number of peer-reviewed, published studies reveal that insulin resistance is a major health problem. Insulin resistance symptoms, such as abdominal weight gain and excessive hunger, may be the first signals that your body’s metabolism is no longer functioning properly. Since insulin resistance is a key factor underlying practically … Read More

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