
No Need to Nix the Nap

· · Heart Health
Previous research has shown that poor sleep may put people at greater risk for a range of chronic conditions affecting heart and brain health. Studies also have shown that sleeping too much or too little may raise the risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). With this in mind, the American Heart … Read More

Sleep Better at Night

Many older adults report poor sleep. Disturbed nights can happen because of painful conditions like osteoarthritis, or because of health issues we may not even be aware we have, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Medications that often are taken by older adults can cause poor sleep—for example, some blood … Read More

Choose the Right CPAP Machine for You

· · Heart Health
If you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), your doctor likely has recommended you use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine to ensure that you sleep soundly at night. In OSA, soft tissue at the back of the throat essentially “collapses” while you sleep, blocking your airway. … Read More

Traditional Chinese Medicine

· · Heart Health
Q: What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)? A: Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, which has been around for thousands of years, is a lot of things, but it consists mostly of five basic elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. In TCM, the theory is that there is a relationship … Read More

Ask the Doctor December 2022

· · Heart Health
Q: My husband loves to read his phone in bed before sleep. I tell him it’s bad for his health. He says it’s not. Who’s right? A: There have been many studies that show that light at night, particularly blue light emitted from digital devices, disrupts sleep. Over the long … Read More

MGH Researchers Note Harmful Consequences of Being Awake in the Middle of the Night

· · Heart Health
[caption id="attachment_142741" align="alignright" width="300"] © Luis Diaz Devesa | Getty ImagesBeing awake in the middle of the night—when your body’s biological clock is telling you to sleep—can lead to a number of mental and physical health complications. Sticking to a more natural sleep-wake cycle is advisable.[/caption] Your circadian rhythms, part … Read More

Trouble Sleeping?

· · Heart Health
[caption id="attachment_142723" align="alignright" width="300"] © AntiMartina | Getty Images[/caption] If you’ve been counting sheep for more nights than you’d like, you’re in good company. Lack of sleep is a common problem for a lot of people. Without a good night’s sleep, we’re often cranky, clumsy, and can’t concentrate. Exercise may … Read More

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