
Shortening Sleep Time Increases Diabetes Risk in Women

· · Sleep
A recent Columbia University study revealed that reducing sleep by just 90 minutes over six weeks raised insulin resistance in women who typically get sufficient sleep, with a more significant impact on postmenopausal women. The study concentrated on women due to indications that poor sleep may have a more substantial … Read More

Mastering Your Sleep

· · Sleep
Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our lives, yet for many years, it remained a mysterious and overlooked part of human biology. “Only recently, with the groundbreaking discovery of the molecular mechanisms governing sleep/wake cycles, did we start to truly grasp the importance of this daily activity,” explains Ravi Aysola, … Read More

News Briefs January 2024

· · Sleep
Study Spells Out Differences Between Loneliness and Aloneness While it’s true that being alone is not the same thing as being lonely, the relationship between loneliness and aloneness isn’t always clear. However, in a study published recently in the Journal of Research in Personality, researchers determined that most people don’t … Read More

Quality Sleep Is Vital for Overall Health

· · Sleep
It’s long been known that a good night’s sleep sets the stage for a productive day. Now science is showing us how and why a sufficient amount of quality sleep is essential for overall good health. People who do not sleep well are at higher risk for diabetes, obesity, and … Read More

Sleep Plays a Vital Role in Healthy Brain Function

· · Sleep
About one-third of the adult population has insomnia, which refers not just to the inability to fall asleep easily, but to the inability to stay asleep. Add to this the widespread habit of mindlessly scrolling through smartphone and iPad content way past “lights out,” and it’s clear that a good … Read More
twitching while sleeping

Improving Sleep

· · Sleep
Q: I don’t sleep well and often feel sluggish How can I get better sleep? A: Sleep is essential to health and quality of life. Sleep experts advise at least seven hours per night. To improve sleep, look at your daily routines. For example, it’s best to stop drinking caffeine … Read More

What is Ayurveda?

Q: What is Ayurveda? A: Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest medical systems, dating back to its origin in India 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda utilizes natural and holistic practices to support physical, mental, and emotional health. The term “Ayurveda” is derived from Sanskrit and means “science … Read More

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