
How to Cope with Chronic Pain

· · Pain
Living with chronic pain, especially if it’s severe, can deeply affect your feelings and mood. Studies have found that older women experiencing pain are more likely to feel anxious, sad, or depressed. If you are dealing with the emotional side of chronic pain—or have in the past—it’s important to know … Read More

Arthritis a Problem for Many Older Adults

· · Pain
Everybody gets joint pain from time to time, but if you are experiencing constant joint pain that impacts your mobility, function, and quality of life, it’s possible you may have arthritis— according to recent research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in five U.S. adults suffer … Read More

Why Should We Focus on Drinking Enough Water?

· · Pain
Do you drink enough water each day? If not, your overall health may be taking a toll. And why is drinking water important? Drinking water regularly can help you to lose weight, think better, be in a better mood, prevent disease, and more. Why Our Bodies Need Water. How much … Read More

Steroids for Pain

· · Pain
Q: I hurt my back while gardening and was prescribed steroids for the pain. I feel leery about taking steroid medications. Aren’t they dangerous? A: The word steroid can refer to different substances. Anabolic steroids are lab-made versions of testosterone that some people use illegally to increase their muscle mass and … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Kava

Overview. Kava is a compound (extracted from a plant member of the pepper family called Piper methysticum) native to islands of the western Pacific. The root of the plant is emulsified into a beverage or it can be dried and incorporated into dietary supplement form. Kava may also be called … Read More

Hemorrhoid Problems

· · Pain
Q: What can I do about ongoing hemorrhoid problems? I get them a few times a year. A: Hemorrhoids are basically blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum that can swell and enlarge. As we age, the tissues supporting the blood vessels in the rectum and anus can weaken, … Read More

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