
Is Sciatica Slowing You Down?

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Sciatica is common in older adults, and your risk may be greater if you are obese, sedentary, or have worked in an occupation that requires a lot of bending and twisting of the spine. Diabetes also can make you more susceptible, since it can damage the nerves. Sciatica is caused … Read More

Reduce Foot Pain with Stretches, Properly Fitted Footwear

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Foot pain is not normal at any age. If your feet hurt, find out why and what you can do about it. Otherwise, you may end up with limited mobility that can restrict your activities. “While a foot or ankle problem rarely is life-threatening, it definitely is lifestyle-threatening,” says Rock … Read More

Use Caution with Opioid Medications to Prevent Addiction

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Opioid addiction—a dependence on drugs that contain narcotic substances derived from opium—is a growing problem in the U.S. But many patients are unaware of the potential harms of opioid drugs, since the path to opioid addiction often begins with a prescription from a doctor. “Approximately two million people have an … Read More

Don’t Let Gout Slow You Down

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About eight million Americans suffer from gout, according to the American College of Rheumatology. This painful form of arthritis occurs when uric acid accumulates in the body and causes crystal-like deposits to form in the joints. The condition presents with the sudden onset of intense pain, swelling, and tenderness in … Read More

There’s More than One Way to Ease Arthritis Pain

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is considered by many women to be a normal part of aging, and many women feel its effects, such as creaky knees, sore hips, and throbbing fingers, after age 50. Unfortunately, you cannot stop OA once it begins, but you can take measures to slow its progression and … Read More

Stop Hurting: Explore Treatment Options for Chronic Pain

· · Pain
Chronic pain can diminish your quality of life and limit your ability to perform daily activities, whether it’s a result of surgery, a compressed disc, arthritis, or some other cause. Unfortunately, too many women aren’t getting the help they need to manage their pain. According to a report issued earlier … Read More

Back Pain With Depression? Don’t Rely on Opioids for Help

· · Pain
Chronic lower back pain is thought to affect about 50 million adults in the U.S., with older adults particularly at risk. Many people with back pain are prescribed opioids, powerful painkillers that are frequently utilized as next-step therapy if back pain doesn’t respond to other medications. However, a recent small … Read More

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