
9. You Can Manage Your Back Pain

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While reading this report, you’ve undoubtedly realized how complicated low back pain can be. You’ve learned about back pain in general, spinal anatomy, risk factors, and common instigators of lower back pain. We discussed treatments you can seek at the doctor’s office as well as lifestyle changes and everyday things … Read More

8. Surgery Is for a Minority

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Only a small minority of people who battle low back pain will need surgery. Back pain surgery is either done in an emergency or electively (by choice). In this chapter, we’ll consider what goes into the decision to choose elective surgery as well as the situations that create the need … Read More

6. Noninvasive Treatments for Low Back Pain

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According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 90 percent of people with low back pain will recover within a month even without any treatment. Thus, acute and subacute pain is best managed conservatively. The latest guidelines by the American College of Physicians (Annals of Internal Medicine, April 2017) strongly … Read More

5. Diagnosing Low Back Pain in the Doctor’s Office

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Medical History In assessing your low back pain, your physician will first take a detailed medical history of your back pain. A proper history is crucial to medical care since it directs the physical examination, assessment, and treatment. Oftentimes, your physician will gather hints of your diagnosis based on your … Read More

4. Rare Back Emergencies

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Back pain is never pleasant, and tends to hang around longer than we would like. However, because mild to moderate low back pain tends to have a benign source, your best bet is usually to wait it out for a week or so. With consistent activity modification and conservative management, … Read More

3. Causes of Back Pain

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Back pain has a wide range of presentations and causes. Pain differs widely from person to person for reasons that are puzzling. This makes back pain one of the most challenging conditions for both the patient and healthcare provider. Some individuals feel a constant ache across their lower back when … Read More

2. Our Spinal Anatomy

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Our back is an extraordinarily intricate structure made of bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, discs, and nerves. All of these anatomical components somehow work together to help us stand up and move through everyday life—an impressive feat. However, all of these parts also can become individual sources of pathology. Vertebral Column … Read More

1. What Is Low Back Pain?

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Despite being such a common ailment, back pain is not completely understood. More than 85 percent of all cases have a diagnosis of “nonspecific low back pain.” Nonspecific pain means that all potentially serious diagnoses have been ruled out, but the cause of the pain is still unknown. Many patients … Read More


· · Pain
Low Back Pain: Leading Cause of Disability Have you ever felt discomfort in the lower part of your back? Maybe you can trace the start of your back pain to a specific mo-ment—moving a couch, for example, or lifting weights at the gym. Or maybe you’ve had a dull ache … Read More

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